Best Yogurt for Keto Diet – How to Choose the Right Kind of Yogurt to Lose Weight Fast!

For people on a ketogenic diet (also known as the Atkins diet), the best yogurt for keto isn’t much different from the best cream yogurt. Both contain probiotics and live cultures, which are important for a healthy digestive system. However, while cream yogurt has added calories to it to compensate for its low-calorie content, low-fat yogurt may be better for people trying to lose weight and improve the health of their digestive tract. It’s important, however, to read the labels of the products you’re buying to make sure you’re getting yogurt that contains no sugar, artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup.


Most yogurt comes from cultures called acidophilus. Some cultures, called acidophilus-bacteria blends, are more beneficial to people’s health than others. Lactobacillus acidophilus is the one that most people are familiar with and is found in most dairy products. Other helpful bacteria might be: L. bulgaricus, L.acidophilus, or L.commensa.

Most people don’t get enough lactobacilli in their diets, and since probiotic bacteria help your body maintain the proper numbers of lactobacilli, a supplement may be just the thing to make up for the lack of these good organisms. Since the most common cause of diarrhea is a reduction in lactobacilli, a supplement for your dairy products can go a long way toward remedying this problem. Because of the relatively high amounts of both calcium and glucose in dairy products, some people also find that adding a little bit of sugar (most often in the form of a supplement) helps to make the dairy products less likely to cause a spike in blood sugar. A couple of tablespoons a day of low-glycemic dairy products may be all you need to keep your blood glucose levels where they should be during your diet.

Many yogurts contain added fruit, another source of carbs that can help you feel full when you are on the diet. If you can find a yogurt with fruit in it, this may be the way to go. You will want to look for yogurts that have at least 30% fruit in them, as the other types are too high in sugar for a person on the keto diet. Adding some berries or a few nuts to the yogurt will help as well. You can use any flavors you like.

Plain yogurt is usually the least expensive kind, and has been the most common choice for yogurt for keto diet plan participants. The plain kinds can still contain some carbohydrates, so it is important to read the labels carefully. The active cultures should not be removed, even though manufacturers might try to claim otherwise. Most importantly, read the label to see what the carbohydrates in the product are and compare those to the list of carbohydrates you should be avoiding for the rest of your diet. In general, the less refined the sugars are in the yogurt, the more healthy it will be for you.

Supplements are an option to add to the best yogurt for keto diet plan if you are looking for something other than the plain variety. However, the supplements must be lower in carbohydrates and sugar than the yogurt. Even if you are using other forms of medication, such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs or aspirin, the doses will be much lower when compared with regular yogurt. For this reason, many people choose to add these natural supplements as a choice.

The most effective way to eat while on the keto diet is to eat plenty of natural unprocessed carbohydrates and fats. Yogurt is the best source of these kinds of food. You will be able to achieve the best yogurt for keto diet and lose weight at the same time. By eating the right foods, the rest of your diet will benefit as well.

You can use yogurt in several ways while on this diet. One way is to drink it as a beverage instead of consuming it as a supplement. This can add some proteins to your diet and coconut yogurt in particular is high in protein. Adding the coconut yogurt to a cup of orange juice is also another good way to consume the natural fats in it. If you prefer to consume cottage cheese as a snack, then you will want to replace the cottage cheese with some high quality whey protein, such as powder or liquid whey.

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